

How I use git

I mostly use git from the command line. Additionally I use liquidprompt, so that my shell tells me what branch I'm on, and if I have something stashed. I also use the gitlens VS Code plugin, but for inline blame.

I generally clone with ssh to have password-free authentification.

The important commands


	lf = "log --pretty=oneline --stat"
	lg = "log --pretty=oneline --graph"

	cleanup = scissors


hooks are nice to run low-latency checks like formatting or linting automatically when commiting. pre-commit or husky make it easier to use hooks.


Regarding tidyness, I think the git history is quite similar to code: It communicates intent, either to collaborators or my future self, thus I try to keep it tidy, at least as soon as I "publish" my changes, e.g. when I submit them for review.

Under tidyness I understand:

Tidyness is achieved by periodic interactive rebasing (git rebase -i).

Hooks are helpful.


Do X (e.g. build & test) for a range of commits

git rebase -i --exec make --exec make test ...

This is nice to e.g. run a specific test linearly over the last n commits.

In another sense this is the crutch I have to use when I cannot use git bisect since good and bad commits are intertwined.

Editor ändern

Man kann den Editor ändern.

Aber: vim ist definitiv lernenswert!


Gibt's wohl, hab ich aber noch nicht benutzt:

Conventional Commits


Ich nehme grundlegenden Konflikt war:

Könnte man diesen Konflikt lösen indem man zwei main-branches hat (einen komplett, einen kompakt) Während dem rebasen meiner Bachelorarbeit hatte mehrfach dieses Zweier-Modell: erst ba und reba (rebased bachelorarbeit), dann reba und reba2, und zuletzt reba2 und yolo.

Vielleicht könnte hieraus ein nettes Pattern werden. Aber ...

Schnackt mich bei Gedanken dazu gern an.

git smash

ein kleiner Rebase-helper:

#!/usr/bin/env bash


LSTRING=$(git show "$COMMIT" | awk '
/^\+\+\+/                                 { file=substr($2, 3) };
$1 == "@@" && match($3, /\+(.*),(.*)/, l) { print "-L" l[1] "," l[1]+l[2] ":" file };
' | paste -s -d " ")

git log "$COMMIT" $LSTRING

echo "skip how many commits? (q quits)"


if [ "$SKIP_UNTIL_BASE" == q ]

# additional head necessary since -L always prints code
BASE_SHA=$(git log --format="%H" --skip="$SKIP_UNTIL_BASE" -n 1 "$COMMIT" $LSTRING | head -n 1)

git rebase -i --update-refs "$BASE_SHA"^

or smth similar in good: tummychow/git-absorb.