The Seattle Report on Database Research

Meeting was 2018

What Has Changed in the Last Five Years?

Research Challenges

Data Science

Instead of OLAP and SQL, Jupyter Notebooks are the new de-facto standard, with an ecosystem of open-source libraries.

Data wrangling is main challenge, focus should be on end-to-end solutions.

Data provenance (Where is the data from? Is it fresh?) is important.

Data Governance

Key motivator: GDPR


fixing privacy via cryptography

Ethical data science: the problem of racist AI and Fake news.


Similar to the Beckman Report, even though cloud isn't called "cheaper".

Separation of compute & storage


Minimizing lock-in

DB Engines

Heterogeneous Computation becomes important.

Data lakes and modern data warehousing

Dsitributed Transactions

Better benchmarks are required

Two holy grails:


Focus should be real, user-focused open source systems

Less pessimistic / alarmist than the last two reports, maybe they gave up.

Research problems: