Hier eine Auflistung von Blogs, die ich gerne lese.
Kyle Kingsbury ist einer der führenden Experten im Testen von verteilten Systemen, also Informatiker. Es bloggt viel über sehr technische Dinge, aber in Identity and state reflektiert er die zentralen Punkte seines Lebens...
I have it pretty good, in America. I’m White, male, young. Grew up with books. With enough food on the table during critical phases of brain development. In a neighborhood composed of people who looked and spoke like me, a neighborhood with a creek, and trees, and street hockey, somewhere safe. Through deterministic happenstance–a confluence of genetics and education and economics and municipal investment in public education and intellectually challenging parents and the right teachers at pivotal moments–I’m good at thinking about a class of problem which too few people are working on, and present market dynamics allow me to do what I love for far more money than I need.
...seine Erfahrung in einer konservativen Familie aufzuwachsen
I’m chopping zucchini for dinner. Let slip: my friend is dating a bisexual girl. “People like that are… no good for relationships,” my family explains, and I assent, numb, cursing that I was born as the abomination that I am, but I’m straight, not one of those homosexuals, not sinful, I can’t be, not any more–I can change. We don’t believe in God, but being gay is a terrible sin somehow. We talk about whether there are more gay people these days because of industrial pollution.
ist ein Programmierer und bloggt unter anderem auch übers Eltern sein.
As I understand it, you should let your children take risks. But surely you shouldn’t let them take risks that could go wrong? A compromise - keep their skull and soul well-guarded and let them gamble with the rest. We took Oscar to a playground for the first time in more than a year. Big kids swung from high monkey bars and fell out of trees. Oscar wandered along a well-enclosed walkway between a tunnel and a slide. I stood back and let him seek out mild hazards. He leaned over the side and said “hold my hand”. I gave him a paw; he squeezed it and smiled and continued on his way. This caught me by surprise. No one’s ever needed me like that before.
Man kennt den Namen, man kennt vielleicht auch ein Interview. Aber Snowden kann meiner Meinung nach wirklich gut schreiben. Und hat durch seine Geschichte eine -- es klingt geradezu dämlich -- interessante Perspektive.
Eight years ago, my life began.
I was a climbing careerist in the American Intelligence Community, a former CIA officer and NSA contractor, until I discovered that my work — and the work of my generation — had, in secret, been turned toward the construction of history’s first truly global system of mass surveillance: a machine dedicated to building perfect and permanent records of our private lives.
I quietly showed documents detailing the full scope of this new architecture of oppression to my colleagues, who were first alarmed, and then filled with a sense of resignation: what can you do?
And so it was eight years ago this week that I left my partner, my family, and my country behind to reveal evidence of this malfeasance to journalists I'd never met but had to trust.
Ein großer Programmierer, der wichtige Dinge erfunden hat. Inzwischen in Rente. Sehr sympathisch in seiner Weltsicht, er sagt über sich selbst:
I’m on the respectable left of the Canadian political spectrum, which makes me a raving Commie by US standards.
Auch in seinem Blog geht es ab und zu über technisches wie Programmieren oder sein eAuto. Mein Highlight sind aber seine Long Links, so er zusammenfasst, was er im letzten Monat so an empfehlenswerten Zeitungsartikeln gelesen hat. Wieder ein Zitat:
Welcome to the August 1st edition of “Long Links”, which assembles long-form pieces that I have the luxury of enjoying due to semi-retirement. Nobody with a real job has time to read all this stuff, but one or two items might enrich your life without burning too many minutes.
Rachel schreib über
Software, technology, sysadmin war stories, and more.
und hat unter anderem den FU Money calculator programmiert. Kroll arbeitet(e) bei verschiedenen großen Silicon Valley unternehmen und bloggt auch immer wieder über das Arbeiten dort. HR is not your friend, and other things I think you should know ist einer solcher Posts.
HR is not your friend. HR is there to support the company. If you are not the company, they are not going to be there to support you.
HR boils down to paid witnesses in some cases. It changes it from a "you said, the boss said" thing to two-on-one (or worse). They just pay attention and maybe give a sworn statement down the road if things turn truly nasty.
Fowler hat mit Reflecting on one very, very strange year at Uber die Diskussion über die toxische Arbeitsumgebung bei Uber mit losgetreten.
As most of you know, I left Uber in December and joined Stripe in January. I've gotten a lot of questions over the past couple of months about why I left and what my time at Uber was like. It's a strange, fascinating, and slightly horrifying story that deserves to be told while it is still fresh in my mind, so here we go.
Diese:r Blogger:in beschreibt sich mit:
I am a writer and software developer.
Diese Person schreibt meiner Meinung nach absolut faszinierende Fiktion. Mein 'Beweisstück A' soll hier I don't know, Timmy, being God is a big responsibility sein.